Permalinkโก Java Script history and basics โก
Permalink๐ก Javascript History
- JS first name was Mocha (coffee)
- It was introduced by Netscape Browser.
- Since, microsoft introduced Internet Explorer with it's own script and different for Netscape so it was difficulty for developers.
- To Solve this issue, ECMA came.
- ES6 is different types of versions introduced by ECMA.
Permalink๐ก Basics
Permalink๐ Data Types
Permalink๐ด Primitve Data Type (Single value)
- Number: 7,1.616, 45.22
- String: Any Characters kept inside a double or single quote are called a String. Ex: "Shobham" , "2" , "1.235","45%"
- Boolean: By John Boole Ex: 0 and 1
- Empty Values: null, undefined
Permalink๐ด Non-Primitive Data Type (Multiple values also called Objects)
Array: Collection of values written inside [] and separated by ", "| which can be of the same or different data type.
Ex: [1,2,3,4,5] , ["Ram","Shyam","Shobham"], [[1,2,3],["Ram","Shyam"]
Array Index: The position of elements inside the Array is called by Index.
Ex: [1,2,3,4,"Ram"] Here the position of "Ram" is index 4. Index starts from 0.
Note: Syntax: Set of instructions used to run the js program.
Object: Elements inside {} and in the form of key-value pairs are called Objects.
Ex: {abc:"LCO"}
Permalink๐ Variables
Variables are the container that holds the value which might be a number, string, boolean, or anything. Variables are important because, without them, our tasks will be tedious. We have to use our given input again and again to perform the task.
Let's create a variable.
Step:1 Declaration We will use the let keyword to declare the variable.
let yourName;
let yourAge;
Currently, they don't have values, they are empty containers. Let's store the value inside them.
Step:2 Initialize After declaring the variable name, initialize it to give some value.
yourName= "Rohan";
We can declare and initialize the variables together like this.
let myName= "Prateek";
let myAge= 25;
Permalink๐ด Different ways to declare the variables
Using var keyword
var userName= "Sam";
When js came into the picture, the var keyword was mostly used, but due to its confusing nature, let and const came into the picture.
Using let keyword
let userAge= 56;
You can't redeclare the variable again once declared by let. Try in your console.
let userAge= 89;
let userAge= 25;
// Throws error
And this is a good thing for throwing errors to avoid confusion, but in var, you can declare as much as you can. That's why I always use let and const.
With let, you can update your variable.
userAge= 54;
There is also a naming convention to declare the variables. I will suggest you read naming convention article.
Using const keyword As per the name, it is used when to want to make something constant.
const user; // error
const user= 25; // correct
You can not declare and initialize using const separately, it needs to be done together.
Permalink๐ด Variables Types
- Numbers You can store integers, decimals, floating, and doubles inside variables.
let num1= 25; let num2= 2.53;
- Strings
Anything inside a double or single quote is called a string.
let yourName= "Pratyush"; let youAge= "25";
Boolean It returns true or false.
let isNum= 5>2; console.log(isNum); // true
Note: To print your variables in the console, you can use this syntax in the editor. console.log(your variable name);
Arrays Arrays in js are the container that stores multiple elements with the same or different data types inside [] and these elements are separated by a comma.
let array1= [1,2,3,4,5];
To access the elements, we use the array index which starts from 0.
console.log(array1[0]); // 1
let person = { name:"Prateek", age:25 }